We believe students and readers everywhere deserve a great and free modern library, inside of which they can get deliriously, entertainingly, profoundly lost. And found.


Poem of the Week
There’s anger in the sound of a V-8 engine that puts me at ease.
Poem of the Week
You’d probably prefer to sneak back into me very still, swollen.
Poetry Contest Winners
I slipped one sparrow black and shivering into my mouth.
Poem of the Week
I blush whenever that room in Ensenada comes to mind.
I’d have guessed the winter this way, every bitter plum already singing.
By the kitchen sink, my aunt held a fish as if holding the Holy Body.
Poem of the Week
Lure, yes, you would know how to catch and clean such a thing.
Poem of the Week
The dugout boats kissing the shoreline have ferried us into open markets. Girl, you call me in time, where this too can be forgotten. The hands that made them asking for more things in dim light.
N30B Winners
Welcome to my bed. I have these two beers, do you want them?
The pupils are toothpicks. The lake is a sky with a circle beneath.
He loves me. That’s half enough: he’s the only man around.
Everything hung in perfect balance. Light and dark, heaven and hell.
I'll pick a black card of luck for you: star, pinkmoon, mirror, ostrich eye.
I’m going to save up against the flood and stagger to carry nothing.
It is here I learn the speech of men. The speechless guilt of every swig.
Time is a hearse and horse, a carrot and stick, a window and widow.
Imagine the world you want to live in; make the world in this image.
Poetry Contest Winners
i was a wild thing down by the river, quiet like wild things are.
Poetry Contest Winners
Exhausted, androgynous, delirious, I delight in my many parts.
In hushed awe they talk of things to come, a golden time of flowering.
N30B Winners
I dug a hole in you; I jumped (here is the church, here is the steeple).
N30B Winners
Elsewhere, perhaps here too, regimes stagger, a congress ends.
I told you how I’ve always been attracted to little violences.
I lie down and see you one bed over; therefore God exists.
Poem of the Week
our minds are not the same if they were the same you would be here
He greets you with a kiss and marries your elbow to walk the path.
There was only the gulf of our steps, our breathing brittle as string.
Before there was air, sublime silence. There was no one not to hear it.
The stars begin to turn clockwise, freeing us of all consequences.
If every present
is possible, how can we have eyes to see?