Eternal Return

Cy Twombly, Untitled, 1963–1964, Rome. Pencil, wax crayon, colored pencil, ink, pen ballpoint; 50 x 60 cm. Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Paris, St. Moritz. © Cy Twombly Foundation. Photograph by Jochen Littkemann.
This evening the sun seems
to lie down inside itself
everything clicks on from within
even as it draws its way into the margins
angels as they do emerge
from their shadows / cut and cloudlike
across the curve
of color and swirl
like the soar of voices
over arc and echo—
sky-smudge / sky-scrawl
blue bruise / red rip
gouge and gash
both wound and wound
to lie down inside itself
everything clicks on from within
even as it draws its way into the margins
angels as they do emerge
from their shadows / cut and cloudlike
across the curve
of color and swirl
like the soar of voices
over arc and echo—
sky-smudge / sky-scrawl
blue bruise / red rip
gouge and gash
both wound and wound