
We are always grateful for the opportunity to read your work. You may upload one or more submissions here; and then please fill out the form below to complete your submission. Each submission should be designated to a single submission category. If we accept the piece, but feel it would be better suited in one of the other categories, then we will discuss this with you at time of acceptance. Please note: We do not accept work that includes machine-generated text. Important: Please make sure that your spam filter will allow emails from Web Browsers: This page has been tested on Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
Submission #1
  • $5,000 in prizes. Open to all writers. Open to fiction and nonfiction entries. Please see the Guidelines.
  • General submissions, including fiction and nonfiction, are carefully reviewed for publication in an upcoming issue of Narrative. General submissions by new and emerging writers are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize. Please see our Guidelines.
  • Poetry general submissions are carefully reviewed for publication in an upcoming issue of Narrative. You may include up to five poems in each poetry submission file. Poetry general submissions by new and emerging writers are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize. Please see our Guidelines.
  • The Narrative Prize is awarded annually for the best short story, novel excerpt, poem, one-act play, graphic story, or work of literary nonfiction published by a new or emerging writer in Narrative. Please see our Guidelines. (Submissions for the Narrative Prize may also be made as General Submissions and as Poetry—General Submissions.)
  • A fiction or nonfiction story of up to 10,000 words in length. Accepted stories are announced to our readers and and displayed prominently on the home page. Each accepted story is eligible to be chosen as one of the annual Top Five Stories of the Week. Please see our Story of the Week Guidelines.
  • Each week we select a notable poem and feature it prominently in the Poem of the Week column on our home page. You may include up to five poems in each poetry submission file. Each accepted poem is eligible to be chosen as one of the annual Top Five Poems of the Week. Please see our Poem of the Week Guidelines.
  • We welcome submissions of original, previously unpublished six-word stories for publication in Narrative and on our iPhone and iPad Application.
  • READERS' NARRATIVES are prose nonfiction pieces ONLY. THIS IS A SPECIAL CATEGORY. Please see the Readers' Narrative Guidelines. All submissions in this category should be made in the genre (see the pull down menu above) "Readers' Narrative."
  • We welcome submissions of previously unpublished single-panel cartoons, comic strips, and serialized graphic novels, as well as alternative-format works that focus on the visual. We look for excellence in visual artistry as well as in storytelling and characterization. We are interested in traditional forms and innovation alike. Please see the Cartoon and Graphic Art Guidelines.
  • We accept submissions of previously unpublished photo essays and photography portfolios of at least five images. Please see our Photography Guidelines.
  • SHORT STORIES should be between 2,000 to 15,000 words.
  • POETRY submissions may include up to five poems in the submission file. Your submission should give a strong sense of your style and range. We accept submissions of all poetic forms and genres but do not accept translations.
  • SHORT SHORT STORY manuscripts must be no less than 500 and no more than 2,000 words.

  • We welcome submissions of in-depth INTERVIEWS with authors and other literary figures, or with figures whose works influence the quality of contemporary discourse. Interviews may run up to 10,000 words.
  • Submissions of NOVEL EXCERPTS may run up to 15,000 words.
  • NOVELLAS and other long works that are less than book length may run between 15,000 and 40,000 words. For works of this length, please submit the first 15,000 words with a synposis. Based on our reading of the first 15,000 words, we will ask to see the complete manuscript if we think the work is suitable for Narrative.

  • For consideration for SERIALIZATION, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization in Narrative. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. Please see more info.
  • Submissions of ESSAYS may run up to 15,000 words in length.
  • We are particularly interested in finding ONE-ACT PLAYS whose impact can be experienced as much on the page as in production. We are open to plays that have been previously published but are out of print, to plays that have been produced, and to ones that have never been produced or published. Length can run up to 15,000 words.
  • Submissions of JOURNAL or of DIARY entries may run up to 10,000 words.
  • Submissions of short MEMOIRS may run up to 15,000 words.
  • Submissions of NONFICTION EXCERPTS from book-length works may run up to 15,000 words.
  • For consideration for SERIALIZATION, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. Please see more info.
  • PROFILES of authors, literary figures, and figures whose works influence the quality of contemporary discourse may run up to 10,000 words.
  • The Narrative Library accepts book-length works, including story collections, novels, memoirs, essay collections, general nonfiction, and graphic stories, for consideration.
  • We are particularly interested in finding ONE-ACT PLAYS whose impact can be experienced as much on the page as in production. We are open to plays that have been previously published but are out of print, to plays that have been produced, and to ones that have never been produced or published. Length can run up to 15,000 words.
  • An iPoem is a short poem that will fit within no more than two screens on the iPhone. An iPoem may be up to 150 words long. We are interested in seeing works that indicate the poet’s awareness of how the new media affect, for instance, the line in poetry. We favor works that demonstrate and an awareness of and interest in prosody.
  • Dramatic narrative, fiction or nonfiction, up to 150 words long, for publication both in the magazine and on the iPhone. We are particularly interested in works that give readers a strong sense of having read a full and complete story in a brief space.
  • Photographs in a submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Captions or text submitted with your images should be contained in the single file that contains the images. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater.
  • We are particularly interested in REPORTAGE from around the world. Submissions of reportage may run up to 15,000 words.
  • BOOK REVIEWS, criticism and commentary on literary trends, and on other media and cultural events of interest to our readers may run up to 10,000 words.
  • A six-word story should provide a drama transpiring in a moment's reading. You may send up to five stories in a single submission. Please see the Guidelines.
  • FEATURES include any article on a subject of interest to a general readership with a literary bent. We are interested in submissions of literary biographies, humor, sketches, and other features of interest to readers who take pleasure in storytelling and imaginative prose. Word limit: 10,000.
  • AUDIO PROSE submissions should be original works of fiction and nonfiction in audio theater, including performance, radio journalism, and stories read aloud. These submissions should take a storytelling form, up to ten minutes long. AUDIO POETRY submissions may also be up to ten minutes long. All audio submissions must be in mp3 format and files should be no larger than 50mb. Please include your full name in the file name.
  • Short films and documentaries of up to 15 minutes. Submissions must be in .mp4 format. Please include your full name in the file name. Maximum accepted file size is 50 MB.
  • The CARTOONS category includes single cartoons and multi-panel cartoons. Your submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB.
  • The GRAPHIC ART category includes comics and graphic novel excerpts and serializations. Your submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB.
  • PHOTO ESSAYS of between five and 20 images, each photo with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Captions or text must be included within the file that contains the images. Files must be .doc or .pdf. Please provide your name, address, telephone number, and email address on the first page of the essay.
  • A short narrative (no more than 1,500 words) in the form of a personal essay, a dispatch in story form, a reflection or meditation on crucial matters in one’s life (past or present) or in the larger social realm. Whatever else a READERS' NARRATIVE does, it should include the element of place—a strong sense of setting and how it shapes the events you’re writing about. PLEASE SEE THE READERS' NARRATIVE GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING.
  • NARRATIVE OUTLOUD AUDIO submissions must be in MP3 format and may be up to ten minutes long.

  • We welcome all types of HUMOR. Submissions may be up to 5,000 words long.
  • Maximum accepted file size is 50 MB.
  • We welcomes submissions of short SKETCHES up to 2,000 words long.
  • NARRATIVE OUTLOUD VIDEO submissions may be short films and documentaries of up to 15 minutes. Submissions must be in .mp4, .mov, or .flv. format.
Allowed formats: .doc .docx .rtf .pdf .txt .odf .odt .mp3 .mp4 .m4a .mov .jpg
File extensions (the period and three letters at the end of the filename) should correspond to the format the file was saved in. For example, a Microsoft Word file should end with .doc or .docx. Additionally, file names should not contain punctuation except for periods, hyphens, and underscores. If your filename does not conform to these rules, then the system will not accept it.
Submission #2
  • $5,000 in prizes. Open to all writers. Open to fiction and nonfiction entries. Please see the Guidelines.
  • General submissions, including fiction and nonfiction, are carefully reviewed for publication in an upcoming issue of Narrative. General submissions by new and emerging writers are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize. Please see our Guidelines.
  • Poetry general submissions are carefully reviewed for publication in an upcoming issue of Narrative. You may include up to five poems in each poetry submission file. Poetry general submissions by new and emerging writers are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize. Please see our Guidelines.
  • The Narrative Prize is awarded annually for the best short story, novel excerpt, poem, one-act play, graphic story, or work of literary nonfiction published by a new or emerging writer in Narrative. Please see our Guidelines. (Submissions for the Narrative Prize may also be made as General Submissions and as Poetry—General Submissions.)
  • A fiction or nonfiction story of up to 10,000 words in length. Accepted stories are announced to our readers and and displayed prominently on the home page. Each accepted story is eligible to be chosen as one of the annual Top Five Stories of the Week. Please see our Story of the Week Guidelines.
  • Each week we select a notable poem and feature it prominently in the Poem of the Week column on our home page. You may include up to five poems in each poetry submission file. Each accepted poem is eligible to be chosen as one of the annual Top Five Poems of the Week. Please see our Poem of the Week Guidelines.
  • We welcome submissions of original, previously unpublished six-word stories for publication in Narrative and on our iPhone and iPad Application.
  • READERS' NARRATIVES are prose nonfiction pieces ONLY. THIS IS A SPECIAL CATEGORY. Please see the Readers' Narrative Guidelines. All submissions in this category should be made in the genre (see the pull down menu above) "Readers' Narrative."
  • We welcome submissions of previously unpublished single-panel cartoons, comic strips, and serialized graphic novels, as well as alternative-format works that focus on the visual. We look for excellence in visual artistry as well as in storytelling and characterization. We are interested in traditional forms and innovation alike. Please see the Cartoon and Graphic Art Guidelines.
  • We accept submissions of previously unpublished photo essays and photography portfolios of at least five images. Please see our Photography Guidelines.
  • SHORT STORIES should be between 2,000 to 15,000 words.
  • POETRY submissions may include up to five poems in the submission file. Your submission should give a strong sense of your style and range. We accept submissions of all poetic forms and genres but do not accept translations.
  • SHORT SHORT STORY manuscripts must be no less than 500 and no more than 2,000 words.

  • We welcome submissions of in-depth INTERVIEWS with authors and other literary figures, or with figures whose works influence the quality of contemporary discourse. Interviews may run up to 10,000 words.
  • Submissions of NOVEL EXCERPTS may run up to 15,000 words.
  • NOVELLAS and other long works that are less than book length may run between 15,000 and 40,000 words. For works of this length, please submit the first 15,000 words with a synposis. Based on our reading of the first 15,000 words, we will ask to see the complete manuscript if we think the work is suitable for Narrative.

  • For consideration for SERIALIZATION, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization in Narrative. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. Please see more info.
  • Submissions of ESSAYS may run up to 15,000 words in length.
  • We are particularly interested in finding ONE-ACT PLAYS whose impact can be experienced as much on the page as in production. We are open to plays that have been previously published but are out of print, to plays that have been produced, and to ones that have never been produced or published. Length can run up to 15,000 words.
  • Submissions of JOURNAL or of DIARY entries may run up to 10,000 words.
  • Submissions of short MEMOIRS may run up to 15,000 words.
  • Submissions of NONFICTION EXCERPTS from book-length works may run up to 15,000 words.
  • For consideration for SERIALIZATION, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. Please see more info.
  • PROFILES of authors, literary figures, and figures whose works influence the quality of contemporary discourse may run up to 10,000 words.
  • The Narrative Library accepts book-length works, including story collections, novels, memoirs, essay collections, general nonfiction, and graphic stories, for consideration.
  • We are particularly interested in finding ONE-ACT PLAYS whose impact can be experienced as much on the page as in production. We are open to plays that have been previously published but are out of print, to plays that have been produced, and to ones that have never been produced or published. Length can run up to 15,000 words.
  • An iPoem is a short poem that will fit within no more than two screens on the iPhone. An iPoem may be up to 150 words long. We are interested in seeing works that indicate the poet’s awareness of how the new media affect, for instance, the line in poetry. We favor works that demonstrate and an awareness of and interest in prosody.
  • Dramatic narrative, fiction or nonfiction, up to 150 words long, for publication both in the magazine and on the iPhone. We are particularly interested in works that give readers a strong sense of having read a full and complete story in a brief space.
  • Photographs in a submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Captions or text submitted with your images should be contained in the single file that contains the images. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater.
  • We are particularly interested in REPORTAGE from around the world. Submissions of reportage may run up to 15,000 words.
  • BOOK REVIEWS, criticism and commentary on literary trends, and on other media and cultural events of interest to our readers may run up to 10,000 words.
  • A six-word story should provide a drama transpiring in a moment's reading. You may send up to five stories in a single submission. Please see the Guidelines.
  • FEATURES include any article on a subject of interest to a general readership with a literary bent. We are interested in submissions of literary biographies, humor, sketches, and other features of interest to readers who take pleasure in storytelling and imaginative prose. Word limit: 10,000.
  • AUDIO PROSE submissions should be original works of fiction and nonfiction in audio theater, including performance, radio journalism, and stories read aloud. These submissions should take a storytelling form, up to ten minutes long. AUDIO POETRY submissions may also be up to ten minutes long. All audio submissions must be in mp3 format and files should be no larger than 50mb. Please include your full name in the file name.
  • Short films and documentaries of up to 15 minutes. Submissions must be in .mp4 format. Please include your full name in the file name. Maximum accepted file size is 50 MB.
  • The CARTOONS category includes single cartoons and multi-panel cartoons. Your submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB.
  • The GRAPHIC ART category includes comics and graphic novel excerpts and serializations. Your submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB.
  • PHOTO ESSAYS of between five and 20 images, each photo with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Captions or text must be included within the file that contains the images. Files must be .doc or .pdf. Please provide your name, address, telephone number, and email address on the first page of the essay.
  • A short narrative (no more than 1,500 words) in the form of a personal essay, a dispatch in story form, a reflection or meditation on crucial matters in one’s life (past or present) or in the larger social realm. Whatever else a READERS' NARRATIVE does, it should include the element of place—a strong sense of setting and how it shapes the events you’re writing about. PLEASE SEE THE READERS' NARRATIVE GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING.
  • NARRATIVE OUTLOUD AUDIO submissions must be in MP3 format and may be up to ten minutes long.

  • We welcome all types of HUMOR. Submissions may be up to 5,000 words long.
  • Maximum accepted file size is 50 MB.
  • We welcomes submissions of short SKETCHES up to 2,000 words long.
  • NARRATIVE OUTLOUD VIDEO submissions may be short films and documentaries of up to 15 minutes. Submissions must be in .mp4, .mov, or .flv. format.
Allowed formats: .doc .docx .rtf .pdf .txt .odf .odt .mp3 .mp4 .m4a .mov .jpg
File extensions (the period and three letters at the end of the filename) should correspond to the format the file was saved in. For example, a Microsoft Word file should end with .doc or .docx. Additionally, file names should not contain punctuation except for periods, hyphens, and underscores. If your filename does not conform to these rules, then the system will not accept it.
Submission #3
  • $5,000 in prizes. Open to all writers. Open to fiction and nonfiction entries. Please see the Guidelines.
  • General submissions, including fiction and nonfiction, are carefully reviewed for publication in an upcoming issue of Narrative. General submissions by new and emerging writers are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize. Please see our Guidelines.
  • Poetry general submissions are carefully reviewed for publication in an upcoming issue of Narrative. You may include up to five poems in each poetry submission file. Poetry general submissions by new and emerging writers are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize. Please see our Guidelines.
  • The Narrative Prize is awarded annually for the best short story, novel excerpt, poem, one-act play, graphic story, or work of literary nonfiction published by a new or emerging writer in Narrative. Please see our Guidelines. (Submissions for the Narrative Prize may also be made as General Submissions and as Poetry—General Submissions.)
  • A fiction or nonfiction story of up to 10,000 words in length. Accepted stories are announced to our readers and and displayed prominently on the home page. Each accepted story is eligible to be chosen as one of the annual Top Five Stories of the Week. Please see our Story of the Week Guidelines.
  • Each week we select a notable poem and feature it prominently in the Poem of the Week column on our home page. You may include up to five poems in each poetry submission file. Each accepted poem is eligible to be chosen as one of the annual Top Five Poems of the Week. Please see our Poem of the Week Guidelines.
  • We welcome submissions of original, previously unpublished six-word stories for publication in Narrative and on our iPhone and iPad Application.
  • READERS' NARRATIVES are prose nonfiction pieces ONLY. THIS IS A SPECIAL CATEGORY. Please see the Readers' Narrative Guidelines. All submissions in this category should be made in the genre (see the pull down menu above) "Readers' Narrative."
  • We welcome submissions of previously unpublished single-panel cartoons, comic strips, and serialized graphic novels, as well as alternative-format works that focus on the visual. We look for excellence in visual artistry as well as in storytelling and characterization. We are interested in traditional forms and innovation alike. Please see the Cartoon and Graphic Art Guidelines.
  • We accept submissions of previously unpublished photo essays and photography portfolios of at least five images. Please see our Photography Guidelines.
  • SHORT STORIES should be between 2,000 to 15,000 words.
  • POETRY submissions may include up to five poems in the submission file. Your submission should give a strong sense of your style and range. We accept submissions of all poetic forms and genres but do not accept translations.
  • SHORT SHORT STORY manuscripts must be no less than 500 and no more than 2,000 words.

  • We welcome submissions of in-depth INTERVIEWS with authors and other literary figures, or with figures whose works influence the quality of contemporary discourse. Interviews may run up to 10,000 words.
  • Submissions of NOVEL EXCERPTS may run up to 15,000 words.
  • NOVELLAS and other long works that are less than book length may run between 15,000 and 40,000 words. For works of this length, please submit the first 15,000 words with a synposis. Based on our reading of the first 15,000 words, we will ask to see the complete manuscript if we think the work is suitable for Narrative.

  • For consideration for SERIALIZATION, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization in Narrative. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. Please see more info.
  • Submissions of ESSAYS may run up to 15,000 words in length.
  • We are particularly interested in finding ONE-ACT PLAYS whose impact can be experienced as much on the page as in production. We are open to plays that have been previously published but are out of print, to plays that have been produced, and to ones that have never been produced or published. Length can run up to 15,000 words.
  • Submissions of JOURNAL or of DIARY entries may run up to 10,000 words.
  • Submissions of short MEMOIRS may run up to 15,000 words.
  • Submissions of NONFICTION EXCERPTS from book-length works may run up to 15,000 words.
  • For consideration for SERIALIZATION, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. Please see more info.
  • PROFILES of authors, literary figures, and figures whose works influence the quality of contemporary discourse may run up to 10,000 words.
  • The Narrative Library accepts book-length works, including story collections, novels, memoirs, essay collections, general nonfiction, and graphic stories, for consideration.
  • We are particularly interested in finding ONE-ACT PLAYS whose impact can be experienced as much on the page as in production. We are open to plays that have been previously published but are out of print, to plays that have been produced, and to ones that have never been produced or published. Length can run up to 15,000 words.
  • An iPoem is a short poem that will fit within no more than two screens on the iPhone. An iPoem may be up to 150 words long. We are interested in seeing works that indicate the poet’s awareness of how the new media affect, for instance, the line in poetry. We favor works that demonstrate and an awareness of and interest in prosody.
  • Dramatic narrative, fiction or nonfiction, up to 150 words long, for publication both in the magazine and on the iPhone. We are particularly interested in works that give readers a strong sense of having read a full and complete story in a brief space.
  • Photographs in a submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Captions or text submitted with your images should be contained in the single file that contains the images. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater.
  • We are particularly interested in REPORTAGE from around the world. Submissions of reportage may run up to 15,000 words.
  • BOOK REVIEWS, criticism and commentary on literary trends, and on other media and cultural events of interest to our readers may run up to 10,000 words.
  • A six-word story should provide a drama transpiring in a moment's reading. You may send up to five stories in a single submission. Please see the Guidelines.
  • FEATURES include any article on a subject of interest to a general readership with a literary bent. We are interested in submissions of literary biographies, humor, sketches, and other features of interest to readers who take pleasure in storytelling and imaginative prose. Word limit: 10,000.
  • AUDIO PROSE submissions should be original works of fiction and nonfiction in audio theater, including performance, radio journalism, and stories read aloud. These submissions should take a storytelling form, up to ten minutes long. AUDIO POETRY submissions may also be up to ten minutes long. All audio submissions must be in mp3 format and files should be no larger than 50mb. Please include your full name in the file name.
  • Short films and documentaries of up to 15 minutes. Submissions must be in .mp4 format. Please include your full name in the file name. Maximum accepted file size is 50 MB.
  • The CARTOONS category includes single cartoons and multi-panel cartoons. Your submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB.
  • The GRAPHIC ART category includes comics and graphic novel excerpts and serializations. Your submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB.
  • PHOTO ESSAYS of between five and 20 images, each photo with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Captions or text must be included within the file that contains the images. Files must be .doc or .pdf. Please provide your name, address, telephone number, and email address on the first page of the essay.
  • A short narrative (no more than 1,500 words) in the form of a personal essay, a dispatch in story form, a reflection or meditation on crucial matters in one’s life (past or present) or in the larger social realm. Whatever else a READERS' NARRATIVE does, it should include the element of place—a strong sense of setting and how it shapes the events you’re writing about. PLEASE SEE THE READERS' NARRATIVE GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING.
  • NARRATIVE OUTLOUD AUDIO submissions must be in MP3 format and may be up to ten minutes long.

  • We welcome all types of HUMOR. Submissions may be up to 5,000 words long.
  • Maximum accepted file size is 50 MB.
  • We welcomes submissions of short SKETCHES up to 2,000 words long.
  • NARRATIVE OUTLOUD VIDEO submissions may be short films and documentaries of up to 15 minutes. Submissions must be in .mp4, .mov, or .flv. format.
Allowed formats: .doc .docx .rtf .pdf .txt .odf .odt .mp3 .mp4 .m4a .mov .jpg
File extensions (the period and three letters at the end of the filename) should correspond to the format the file was saved in. For example, a Microsoft Word file should end with .doc or .docx. Additionally, file names should not contain punctuation except for periods, hyphens, and underscores. If your filename does not conform to these rules, then the system will not accept it.
Submission #4
  • $5,000 in prizes. Open to all writers. Open to fiction and nonfiction entries. Please see the Guidelines.
  • General submissions, including fiction and nonfiction, are carefully reviewed for publication in an upcoming issue of Narrative. General submissions by new and emerging writers are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize. Please see our Guidelines.
  • Poetry general submissions are carefully reviewed for publication in an upcoming issue of Narrative. You may include up to five poems in each poetry submission file. Poetry general submissions by new and emerging writers are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize. Please see our Guidelines.
  • The Narrative Prize is awarded annually for the best short story, novel excerpt, poem, one-act play, graphic story, or work of literary nonfiction published by a new or emerging writer in Narrative. Please see our Guidelines. (Submissions for the Narrative Prize may also be made as General Submissions and as Poetry—General Submissions.)
  • A fiction or nonfiction story of up to 10,000 words in length. Accepted stories are announced to our readers and and displayed prominently on the home page. Each accepted story is eligible to be chosen as one of the annual Top Five Stories of the Week. Please see our Story of the Week Guidelines.
  • Each week we select a notable poem and feature it prominently in the Poem of the Week column on our home page. You may include up to five poems in each poetry submission file. Each accepted poem is eligible to be chosen as one of the annual Top Five Poems of the Week. Please see our Poem of the Week Guidelines.
  • We welcome submissions of original, previously unpublished six-word stories for publication in Narrative and on our iPhone and iPad Application.
  • READERS' NARRATIVES are prose nonfiction pieces ONLY. THIS IS A SPECIAL CATEGORY. Please see the Readers' Narrative Guidelines. All submissions in this category should be made in the genre (see the pull down menu above) "Readers' Narrative."
  • We welcome submissions of previously unpublished single-panel cartoons, comic strips, and serialized graphic novels, as well as alternative-format works that focus on the visual. We look for excellence in visual artistry as well as in storytelling and characterization. We are interested in traditional forms and innovation alike. Please see the Cartoon and Graphic Art Guidelines.
  • We accept submissions of previously unpublished photo essays and photography portfolios of at least five images. Please see our Photography Guidelines.
  • SHORT STORIES should be between 2,000 to 15,000 words.
  • POETRY submissions may include up to five poems in the submission file. Your submission should give a strong sense of your style and range. We accept submissions of all poetic forms and genres but do not accept translations.
  • SHORT SHORT STORY manuscripts must be no less than 500 and no more than 2,000 words.

  • We welcome submissions of in-depth INTERVIEWS with authors and other literary figures, or with figures whose works influence the quality of contemporary discourse. Interviews may run up to 10,000 words.
  • Submissions of NOVEL EXCERPTS may run up to 15,000 words.
  • NOVELLAS and other long works that are less than book length may run between 15,000 and 40,000 words. For works of this length, please submit the first 15,000 words with a synposis. Based on our reading of the first 15,000 words, we will ask to see the complete manuscript if we think the work is suitable for Narrative.

  • For consideration for SERIALIZATION, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization in Narrative. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. Please see more info.
  • Submissions of ESSAYS may run up to 15,000 words in length.
  • We are particularly interested in finding ONE-ACT PLAYS whose impact can be experienced as much on the page as in production. We are open to plays that have been previously published but are out of print, to plays that have been produced, and to ones that have never been produced or published. Length can run up to 15,000 words.
  • Submissions of JOURNAL or of DIARY entries may run up to 10,000 words.
  • Submissions of short MEMOIRS may run up to 15,000 words.
  • Submissions of NONFICTION EXCERPTS from book-length works may run up to 15,000 words.
  • For consideration for SERIALIZATION, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. Please see more info.
  • PROFILES of authors, literary figures, and figures whose works influence the quality of contemporary discourse may run up to 10,000 words.
  • The Narrative Library accepts book-length works, including story collections, novels, memoirs, essay collections, general nonfiction, and graphic stories, for consideration.
  • We are particularly interested in finding ONE-ACT PLAYS whose impact can be experienced as much on the page as in production. We are open to plays that have been previously published but are out of print, to plays that have been produced, and to ones that have never been produced or published. Length can run up to 15,000 words.
  • An iPoem is a short poem that will fit within no more than two screens on the iPhone. An iPoem may be up to 150 words long. We are interested in seeing works that indicate the poet’s awareness of how the new media affect, for instance, the line in poetry. We favor works that demonstrate and an awareness of and interest in prosody.
  • Dramatic narrative, fiction or nonfiction, up to 150 words long, for publication both in the magazine and on the iPhone. We are particularly interested in works that give readers a strong sense of having read a full and complete story in a brief space.
  • Photographs in a submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Captions or text submitted with your images should be contained in the single file that contains the images. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater.
  • We are particularly interested in REPORTAGE from around the world. Submissions of reportage may run up to 15,000 words.
  • BOOK REVIEWS, criticism and commentary on literary trends, and on other media and cultural events of interest to our readers may run up to 10,000 words.
  • A six-word story should provide a drama transpiring in a moment's reading. You may send up to five stories in a single submission. Please see the Guidelines.
  • FEATURES include any article on a subject of interest to a general readership with a literary bent. We are interested in submissions of literary biographies, humor, sketches, and other features of interest to readers who take pleasure in storytelling and imaginative prose. Word limit: 10,000.
  • AUDIO PROSE submissions should be original works of fiction and nonfiction in audio theater, including performance, radio journalism, and stories read aloud. These submissions should take a storytelling form, up to ten minutes long. AUDIO POETRY submissions may also be up to ten minutes long. All audio submissions must be in mp3 format and files should be no larger than 50mb. Please include your full name in the file name.
  • Short films and documentaries of up to 15 minutes. Submissions must be in .mp4 format. Please include your full name in the file name. Maximum accepted file size is 50 MB.
  • The CARTOONS category includes single cartoons and multi-panel cartoons. Your submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB.
  • The GRAPHIC ART category includes comics and graphic novel excerpts and serializations. Your submission must be contained in a single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file. Images should be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB. Please include your full name in the title of the filename. Maximum file size 50 MB.
  • PHOTO ESSAYS of between five and 20 images, each photo with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Captions or text must be included within the file that contains the images. Files must be .doc or .pdf. Please provide your name, address, telephone number, and email address on the first page of the essay.
  • A short narrative (no more than 1,500 words) in the form of a personal essay, a dispatch in story form, a reflection or meditation on crucial matters in one’s life (past or present) or in the larger social realm. Whatever else a READERS' NARRATIVE does, it should include the element of place—a strong sense of setting and how it shapes the events you’re writing about. PLEASE SEE THE READERS' NARRATIVE GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING.
  • NARRATIVE OUTLOUD AUDIO submissions must be in MP3 format and may be up to ten minutes long.

  • We welcome all types of HUMOR. Submissions may be up to 5,000 words long.
  • Maximum accepted file size is 50 MB.
  • We welcomes submissions of short SKETCHES up to 2,000 words long.
  • NARRATIVE OUTLOUD VIDEO submissions may be short films and documentaries of up to 15 minutes. Submissions must be in .mp4, .mov, or .flv. format.
Allowed formats: .doc .docx .rtf .pdf .txt .odf .odt .mp3 .mp4 .m4a .mov .jpg
File extensions (the period and three letters at the end of the filename) should correspond to the format the file was saved in. For example, a Microsoft Word file should end with .doc or .docx. Additionally, file names should not contain punctuation except for periods, hyphens, and underscores. If your filename does not conform to these rules, then the system will not accept it.
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