Poem of the Week
- Lightning Time
- Ode to Repetition
- The Book of the Dead Man (Camouflage)
- White Butterfly
- Lament
- Forty-Five
- Only When
- Mother and Daughter
- A Good Woman Blues
- On the Meaning of Love
- Hand-Me-Down Halloween
- Mrs. Brewster’s Second Grade Class Picture
- Buffaloes
- Under a Tabloid Moon
- Polio Season in the
San Joaquin - At Sea
- Silence Retreat
- Once Again, in August
- Geppetto Also Made a Mother
- Basic Math
- Unmedicated Self-Portrait
- Speaking American
- An Injury to One
- Faith
- Schoolgirl
- Riddle
- How?
- Commingling
- Higher Authority
- Door-to-Door
- I’ll Never Get to Say
- The Goldilocks Principle
- Dear Salvation Army
- Leaf-Litter on Rock Face
- & Darkness Moves In
- Odyssey
- The New Privacy
- December Was Inconsolable
and It Hadn’t Even
Arrived Yet - Water
- From “Call It in the Air”
- Preparing the Body
for Viewing - Again, the Body
- Hello, My Name Is Also
Jacques Rancourt - La Cachiporrista
- The Rose Window
- All Possible Pain
- Books
- All on My Own I’m Happy
- I Would Have a Woman
as Real as Death - Falling in Love
- The Hanged Man
- Delphiniums in a Window Box