
Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, city or country, national or international, find the writing conference you desire. Our selective, searchable list of conferences features many of our published authors.

Season (Northern):
Kauai Writers Conference

Kauai Writers Conference

NOVEMBER 12—14, 2021
The Kauai Writers Conference offers keynote talks by distinguished authors, one-on-one workshops led by literary agents, editors, and other publishing experts, and intensive master classes to inspire writers of fiction, narrative nonfiction, memoir, screenplays, and poetry, and help all conference participants find their path to publication.
Faculty: Adrienne Brodeur, Nicholas Delbanco, Lauren Groff, Charles Johnson, Christina Baker Kline, Joshua Mohr, Téa Obreht, Richard Russo, Helen Simonson, Scott Turow, Luis Alberto Urrea, Meg Wolitzer
Genres Offered: Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir, Screenwriting, Poetry
Contact: @email
Kentucky Women Writers Conference

Kentucky Women Writers Conference

SEPTEMBER 9—12, 2021
The Kentucky Women Writers Conference is the longest-running literary festival of women in the nation. An annual event launched by the University of Kentucky in 1979, it has become a premier destination for the celebration of women’s arts and letters.
Faculty (previous): Chantel Acevedo, Jane Alison, Ifa Bayeza, Franny Choi, DaMaris Hill, Jessica Chiccehitto Hindman, Barbara Hurd, Dorianne Laux, Lydia Millet, Ellen Birkett Morris, Antonya Nelson, Savannah Sipple, Alice Speilburg, Ashlee Clark Thompson, Margaret Verble
Genres Offered: Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Playwriting
Contact: Julie Wrinn @email
Key West Literary Seminar and Writers’ Workshop Program

Key West Literary Seminar
and Writers’ Workshop Program

JANUARY 12—15, 2023
Each year, the Key West Literary Seminar explores a particular literary theme. In 2020, for the first time, we’ll look at writing about sports. For “Reading Between the Lines: Sports and Literature,” we focus on literature that gets at the heart of why sports matter so much to so many, and explores the roles sports play in momentous social issues, personal transformation, and cultural change.
Faculty: Jabari Asim, Jericho Brown, Joy Castro, S. A. Cosby, Sika Dagbovie-Mullins, Peter Ho Davies, Tananarive Due, Cornelius Eady, Ashley C. Ford, Regis M. Fox, Kellye Garrett, Megan Giddings, Annette Gordon-Reed, Nadege Green, Kerri Greenidge, Tyehimba Jess, Tayari Jones, Marjan Kamali, Victor LaValle, Dantiel W. Moniz, Rowan Ricardo Phillips, Deesha Philyaw, Darryl Pinckney, Emily Raboteau, Roxana Robinson, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, Luis Alberto Urrea, Laura Warrell, Jacqueline Woodson, Kevin Young
Genres Offered: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Playwriting, Screenwriting
Killer Nashville International Writers’ Conference

Killer Nashville International Writers’ Conference

AUGUST 17—20, 2023
At the conference, we try diligently to ensure that the weekend has something for every writer and lover of literature, and our sessions are structured to assist writers on multiple career levels. Our learning tracks tackle the craft of writing, business of writing, marketing, and forensics.
Faculty (previous): Steven Hutson, Jaden Terrell, Elysse Wagner
Genres Offered: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Live Storytelling